Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lamers On Parade !

1.How long you need to take to reach Mars ?
Answer: 30 seconds -----> to the mars.
2.What will you see after you reach Mars ?
Answer : The Mars Volta.
3.How to have a sweet dream ?
Answer : Eat more candy before you sleep.
4.Why Enter Shikari's Sorry Your Are Not Winner can have a platinum ?
Cause they are saying the audiences is a Loser.
5.Everyone's bro looks like my brother.
I mean my dick .
6.Sweet lee said I am a bitter man.
Then we are Bittersweet.
7.Definition of Virgin.
As tight as Virgin Mary before she pushed out baby Jesus.
8.Audioslave did a cover of ______'s song name : I am the highway.
Federal Highway.
9.We have more than what Butterfingers have.
They only have The Chemistry, we have the chemistry,fizik,biology.

Since now bulgarian idol the Ken Lee is so famous..we got have some also.
Lamb of god - Lame of god
Foo Fighters - Fool fighters.
Children of bodom - Children of boredom
In flames - In frames.
Linkin Park - Lil' kim Park
Buckethead - Phukethead
Metallica - Metallic Car.
Diswalla - Is What La.
Missy Elliot - Missy Idiot.

1 comment:

Jane said...

very cold...